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Selasa, 07 Januari 2014

Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tema Lingkungan

                                                     Om Swastiastu,
The honorable of juries ,
Dear my friends how participates in this speech contest,
And all audience.
First of all I would like to invite you  to thanks to Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa, how has given us Asung Kerta Wara Nungraha, so we can meet together in this place, at Giri Pendawa School. He has also given us deeply enjoyable particularly faith and healthy comfort hence we can could attend here in a good condition.
Before I begin to give a speech, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Wayan Adnyana. I’m delegation XII TKJ Class. Then, I will give you  a speech with  theme “By Clean and Healthy Environment Will Give High Spirit to Learn.
Ladies and Gentelman,
Environment and human are not beloved , but the fact is can we separate their rerationship? The following question are just a proof that between human and the environment are two different thing but have a close relationship influence each other. Can we imagine, how people live without environment.  To feed, selter, and subtistence. It’s all they can get from where else, if not from environment. So it being understood people began to realize that existence of the environment not only as a complete to their lives, but more than the main supporting  their stable lives. Because of it hygiene and healthy of the environment is very important.
Ladies and gentelman,
Clean and healthy environment, what are those? I’m sure anyone know about that. The definitation of a clean and healthy environment are the environment that is free of garbage and pollution. Also be free of dirt or dust, rest of the food wrappers, and unused item. 
Ladies and Gentelman,
Cleanliness is part of faith. So we can should always maintain the cleanliness wherever we are. Cleanliness is also important for our health, because in a healthy body there is a strong soul. Likewise, the exiting environment in our class. Now we as a student, keep the school environment clean, healthy and comfortable is very important. We can start from the smallest things, eg: garbages from candies,  something small like  this can be a big problem if not throw away in its place. Although everything seems trivial, but when this little things left over time will be great. But we don’t want it.  Especially our school, As school are concerned about the environment, maintain the cleanliness of school environment is an amazing thing. Imagine ... if we learn in a room that was dirty,  trash strewn anywhere , the smell of rotten room, lost of flies or other insect, with condition like that can we learn with full consentration? Of course no, we can not. So with clean and healthy the environment encourage us to undergo any activity, as well as in the learning process.
            Ladies and Gentelman,
Now clean environment  is a top priority in creating comfort, especially in the teaching and learning process. In addition to adequate facilites, is vital that cleanliness of school environment to smooth process of teaching and learning especially in supporting the learning spirit of the students. In here the clean and healthy environmental influence the enthusiastic of students for learning, among other:
1.      With a clean and healthy environment, typically embede clear mind, so understanding something can be done easy.
2.      With a clean and healthy environment, minimal fatigue in thingking could be slightly reduced, so that students do not need a lot of rest time.
3.      With a clean and healthy environment, sometimes students can reduced drowsiness slightly because their minds are in a fit condition.
Someway we can do to keep the class, there are:
1.      Use under the table just to shore books and other item, not junk.
2.      Prohibit students to not bring food and eat or drink in the classroom.
3.      Prohibit students throw trash out of place.
4.      Optimalizing the performance of officers on duty.
Hopefully with my speech I can provide innovation for the school community to maintain the cleanliness of school environment. That’s all  I can say, I hope from my speech we are can be better. If there is an error either intentional or unintentional I apologize, because no body perfect, perfection belong only to God. The last words I closed with parama santih.
Om Santih, Santih, Santih Om

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